4 years ago, a group of friends from Argentina and Spain met like so many other times but, on this occasion, to talk seriously about an idea that we had floating around: the need to create a healthy product that was easy to eat and that was really delicious.

We wanted to offer a food that was far from typical processed products (which only contain preservatives and additives that no one can decipher), and that at the same time adapted to any lifestyle.
Initially we focused on the idea that the food we created should complement the sporting life we ​​practiced, but then we realized that it should also be useful for all those people who did not have free time to carry out these activities, which should be easy to access and to eat at any time of the day.
We concluded, then, that the most complicated times to eat were the times between meals, and that in those periods of time people tend to fall into easy and unhealthy options, snacking on what we have on hand, regardless of the quality of the food. product.
We also imagined that our new food had to be easy to transport, due to its size and way of preservation.
With all this information clear, we started by looking for unprocessed products that we liked and then we mixed them in different ways, to obtain the most varied diet and combination of flavors possible.

After several months of testing, we concluded that almond and date combined very well. To add protein to our food, we add egg whites. This is how our first protein bar was born: KI-BAR.
Without altering these three base ingredients, we began to try different flavors. Thus, and without the use of flavorings or chemicals, and only with real ingredients, we created our first chocolate flavor bar, based on cocoa powder, and then innovated with four more flavors: coconut, apple and carob, vanilla and coffee with milk coconut
Kibar for us represents union and love. It is a healthy food, without chemicals or preservatives, aimed at all those who want to eat something delicious and easy, at any time of the day and anywhere. It is a product that we make and consume. That we like, we fall in love with and that we are proud to share with you.

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